Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, nóvember 2008
Laugardagur, 22. nóvember 2008
Naívistar fagna
Þriðjudagur, 4. nóvember 2008
Fróðleiksmoli um Kreppuna miklu
"[I]n the Great Depression deflation was not allowed to complete its work. The Fed inflated the economy after deflation had destroyed a great number of banks, reducing their total number to some 15,000roughly the level prevailing in 1900. These select few, protected by federal deposit insurance, then surfed on the Fed-created inflation and expanded their total assets from 51.4 billion in 1933 to 242.6 billion dollars in 1957."
- Deflation and Liberty eftir Jörg Guido Hülsmann
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