Lesefni um bóluefnin og afbrigðin

Þessi færsla er aðallega skrifuð fyrir sjálfan mig til að halda utan um tengla í rannsóknir og umfjallanir um öryggi og aukaverkanir bóluefnanna svokölluðu sem nú er þrýst á okkur þótt The Guardian hafi gefið í skyn að þau virki ekki á nýjasta afbrigðið sem er að taka við keflinu frá deltunni. Ég deili þessum tenglalista í von um að hann geti nýst fleirum.

Exclusive Summary: Covid-19 Vaccine Concerns

Some Vaccine Side Effects May Mean Previous Infection

Previous SARS-CoV-2 infection associated with more adverse events following mRNA vaccination

Úreltu bóluefni á tilraunastigi sprautað í íslensk börn á ábyrgð heilbrigðisráðherra! Stenst það lög?

Hvaða vandamál leysa bóluefnapassar?

SARS-CoV-2 Omicron VOC Transmission in Danish Households

(Færsla verður sennilega uppfærð.)

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here is also good video. Explaining how they weaponized Spike protein. And Vaccine is pure experimental poison. It really dangerous. It not just mess up with your immune system neurological system, blood system, reproductive system. All people who is vaccinated will experience endless toxicity of spike protein which is now self -replicating in the body. So now they justify WORLD lockdown, i would say in March 2022 they will blame unvaccinated . But in fact only Vaccinated will die in hospitals.Only vaccinated will be chronically Sick with flu like symptoms damaged by mask with ADE.


Imagine people are vaccinated 3 times. more then 90% now they are targeting innocent kids. If grown up individuals are living in mass psychosis since 2020

Doctors are not treating anyone. They simply sending you home until you DIE. IT crazy. Once you got covid treatment should be started immediately. With introvenous injections, Dexamethazone, methylprednisolone, Ivermectine. probably even Alpha 2b Interferones. But this TIK-TOK decline culture(DANCING DOCTORS IN EMPTY HOSPITALS ) Retarded Doctors in EU/US just sending you home. Blaming unvaccinated. Injecting people with Poisonous UNKNOWN components.

People are dying because surgeries are canceled. Because now you cant be sick with anything but COVID .  You going to hospital and they sending you home with serious conditions. Meanwhile covid killing nobody. THIS EMERGENCY ARE MASS PSYCHOSIS. THEY MADE IT TO LOCK YOU DOWN> DESTROY THEY WORLD and OUR HUMAN NATURE.

NATURAL IMMUNITY. When virus become less and less dangerous and now it even mutating and affecting different ace 2 receptors in body. Previously, the virus attacked receptors in the lungs. It's more distributed now. But with the vaccine, the spike protein attacks the brain attacks the whole body and these people will slowly or quickly die at the end. Ir facts.

Regarding the kids. There is no difference. If grown Human beings are willing to kill themself. They will do the same for kids. It just Zeitgeist

Zheo (IP-tala skráð) 3.1.2022 kl. 18:58

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