Sunnudagur, 23. mars 2014
Björgum fílunum - afnemum bann við sölu fílabeins!
Economists argue that if you are trying to protect an endangered species, then limiting the supply of its products can be counterproductive. If demand remains unchanged, supply reduction simply raises perceptions of scarcity and drives up prices. (
We know that destroying stockpiles reduces supply, but not necessarily demand. The ill-conceived USFWS gesture could create the perception that ivory is an increasingly scarce commodity on illegal markets, leading to higher prices and further poaching. It may simply place a higher price on the head of dead elephants while doing nothing to raise their value alive in the eyes of people who have to live with them and who bear the costs of protection. (
Perhaps this change of heart in Kenya marks a turning point. If African nations can provide positive incentives to protect elephants, then perhaps other nations of the world can rescind the ivory trade ban. (
Svo, í stuttu máli: Björgum fílunum - afnemum bann við sölu fílabeins!
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Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.